Friday 11 October 2013

How to guide to create great YouTube Content

YouTube has changed the way people consume content. Before YouTube, all companies had to think about when developing a commercial is “will it get people to go out and buy the product? Will it make us money?” When YouTube hit the scene, suddenly you had to factor in “Will someone share this with other people?” And not only that but it opened the door to creating video that you couldn’t do with T.V. For example, Old Spice did a campaign where they had their Twitter Followers tweet in questions for The Old Spice Guy and then created video responses for some of them that they posted to there YouTube channel. Here are some of those videos. 

This type of campaign could never have worked on T.V. if for no other reason it would have cost millions, if not billions, to pay for all the commercial time needed. The types of video content we as marketers/advertisers can produce and share is virtually limitless with YouTube. James Wedmore, Video Marketing Advocate and author of the YouTube Marketing Book, wrote an article for The Social Media Examiner about five styles of videos that will get you the results you’re looking for on YouTube. They are:

  1. Turn New Viewers Into Subscribers With a Trailer Video: This is your chance to make that first impression to potential consumers. When a viewer shows up to your channel and isn’t a subscriber, you can have a trailer video appear for them. This is your chance to tell them about your brand and what to expect from your channel.
  2. Share Stats That Matter to Benchmark Yourself: People love statistics and they love them even more when it’s in a video instead of a spread sheet. And they really love to SHARE statistics with others. Gather the facts about your industry, make it visual and eye popping, overlay a catchy tune and your sure to have a hit on your hands. 
  3. Share a Customer Success Story to Establish a Good Reputation: If your brand has helped impact someone’s life for the better, share it. People are more willing to trust a real consumer then a paid actor. Share the good you do with your audience. These don’t have to be studio quality videos. You can take them with you phone or even record them on a Google Hangout.
  4. Answer Questions to Demonstrate Your Knowledge: If you can help answer a question someone has, you will become their best friend. Find out some of the commonly asked questions in your industry and create some videos that answer those questions. If you do this well you can become peoples go-to source for questions they need answered.
  5. Teach People Something to Create Top-of-Mind Awareness of Your Services: For example, if you are a company that sells ties, then a good thing to do would be create a video on how to tie a tie (like the one below). This shows your viewers that you have foreseen some problem/difficulty they could experience and given them the tools to solve it. This shows you care enough to help. Always do a video how to over a written one because people prefer video, on average, to written ones.
On that note, here is a video recap by James Wedmore on these 5 types of videos. 

Thanks for reading and be sure to check back next week for the latest Social Buzz.


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